Monday, February 21, 2011

Newsletter 22 February 2011

22 February 2011 Term 1 Week 4 11/3

Dear Parents & Caregivers
Kia ora koutou katoa

There was no newsletter last week. We are trialing sending out the newsletter fortnightly to save money and to free up Mrs Lindsay a little - the newsletter preparation and printing ties her up most of each Tuesday.

Nowadays school news is often relayed via the internet. NEV Normal is no exception - each class has a blog and the newsletter is published on line as well. The school website has been completely updated and the new version should go live soon.

A couple of years back we surveyed parents about computers in the home and found that around 50% of our families did not have internet access at home. As a consequence we have investigated ways to help families who want a computer but can not afford to buy one. We are in talks with a group called ‘Computers in Homes’ to address this.

The Board of Trustees signed off on a proposal to establish a community garden in the field above the Harley Block. This land is hardly used by the school and so the board will allow a local group to develop gardens up there. Work should start up there fairly soon. If you want to know more contact Lyn and Richard Tozer.

Ma te Atua e mannaaki tiaki tatau katoa.

John McKenzie

Welcome to Troy and Ella who have started in R11

Teacher/Parent/Child Goal Setting
Notices have been sent home today to book times for the goal setting interviews to be held on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 March. Please complete and return to school by Friday 4 March. Anyone who has not returned their form will be slotted into free time spaces.

School Activity Donation
Thank you to all the families who have paid the activity donation in full or in part. An summary has been sent home to those families who have not paid for the first term at least. A receipt will be issued which can be used to claim back some tax.

Smart Food School Lunches
Smart Food lunches are available on Mondays and Thursdays at NEVNS. The lunch
consists of two sandwiches, a piece of fruit, a home made biscuit or muffin and a jelly or milk pudding. The cost is $3, or $4 for a larger lunch with two extra sandwiches. Orders and money need to be in to the School Office by 9am.

Road Patrol
There is now only one vacancy left on Thursday mornings. If you are able to assist with supervising the road patrollers 15-20 minutes before school please contact Mrs Staynes or the school office.

Scholastic Book Club
Orders with money for Issue 1 need to be into the office by this Friday 25 February. Please make cheques payable to Scholastic NZ. If any parent or caregiver would like to assist with the book club please see Sara at the office.

Sports Results
Flippaball started on Sunday. Our Y5 & 6 team played but was well beaten as not all the team members turned up. Better luck for next week!

Touch Results
Last Thursday we played Andersons Bay and won 5 trys to 0 - a great way to start the year!. Stella was named player of the day with she and Robbie scoring trys.

PTA News
New Cameras and Outdoor games
At our last meeting the PTA agreed to purchase two new digital cameras for the school. We are also looking into buying some new outdoor games and activities for the children to play with.

Emergency School Lunches
The PTA have helped to set up and keep supplied a small stock pile of food for lunches for those children that may have forgotten to bring their own. If there is anyone else that would like to donate food for this, you could leave it with Sara in the office. All donations are very much appreciated.

PTA MeetingThe next meeting will be held on Tuesday March 8th at 3.30pm in the Parents Room. All are welcome to attend and new members are always keenly sought.

2011 Term Dates
Term 1 Tuesday 1 February - Friday 15 April
Term 2 Monday 2 May - Friday 15 July
Term 3 Monday 1 August - Friday 7 October
Term 4 Tuesday 25 October - Thursday 15 Dec

Dates to Note
23 Beach Education R8, 10, 11 St Clair
25 R8 Leads Assembly 2.20pm: Items 8/10
28 BOT Meeting 6pm

1 Y5 & 6 Cricket at Logan Park
2 Wide Horizons Trip
3 Rainbow Class R11 1.15-2.45pm
4 Red Cross Coin Trail
4 R10 Leads Assembly 2.20pm: Items 2/11
9-10 Teacher/Parent Child Goal Setting Interviews
8 Y3 & 4 Cricket at Logan Park
8 PTA Meeting 3.30pm
9 Wide Horizons Trip
11 R11 Leads Assembly 2.20pm: Items 5/8
17 Rainbow Class R11 1.15-2.45pm
18 R5 Leads Assembly 2.20pm: Items 3/10
18 School Cross Country at Chingford Park 1pm
21 Otago Anniversary Holiday
22 Road Safety
23 Wide Horizons Trip
25 R3 Leads Assembly 2.20pm: Items 2/11
28 BOT Meeting 6pm
31 Rainbow Class R11 1.15-2.45pm

1 R2 Leads Assembly 2.20pm: Items 5/8
5 PTA Meeting & AGM 3.30pm
6 Wide Horizons Trip
8 R8 Leads Assembly 2.20pm: Items 3/10
11 160th Celebration Day
15 R10 Leads Assembly 2.20pm: Items 2/11
15 Term 1 Ends

Community News
Le Bal du Nord: Tuesday 8 March at the Baptist Hall, 270 North Road. Danish dance workshop 5pm: $5; Performance and Bal at 8pm: $15.

Federated Famers Farm Day: Sunday 13 March 10am-3pm to be held at Telford Farms 498 Owaka Highway, Balclutha. Includes a guided farm walk, interactive activities for children, BBQ, food stalls. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Free bus from Dunedin. Register by 1 March ph 03 4777353 or email or visit

SeaWeek 2011: Special Guided Tours of the Marine Studies Centre and Aquarium at 10.30am every day during SeaWeek incorporating an insight into the plants and sea creatures that were traditionally used for fishing and food.
Knowledgeable staff will guide you through the Aquarium and captivate you with stories of local marine life. See stunning sea-horses, oggle an octopus and stroke a spiny starfish! There is also an opportunity to have a virtual deep sea dive in a yellow submarine, meet a colossal squid replica and take a nature walk to find out more about traditional use of trees and plants. Allow 1.5 hours for the tour. All visitors will receive a free Rocky Shore Guide and there is a free Colossal Squid Activity Book for every family. 50% off the normal guided tour price during SeaWeek. (Normal guided tour prices are $21.50 for an adult, $11 for a child and $49 for a family). Phone 479 5826 to reserve your place.

Professional Guitar Tuition. First lesson free. For more information contact Matthew Stuart on: Ph. 021 0322 486 Email:

Meadowfresh/New World/Flybuys Competition: to win our school a share of $30,000 by registering for the Daisy Meadow promotion at where NEV Normal will be given its own online meadow in which to grow daisies. Your Flybuys card can also be registered nominating NEV Normal and each time you buy Meadow Fresh products swipe your card and virtual daisies will be added to the online meadow. 15 South Island Schools with the most collected daisies (per enrolled student) will receive $2000. The competition runs from 7 March to 17 April 2011.

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